For 15 years we successfully delivered the largest 5 November bonfire night show in London, commissioned by Tower Hamlets at Victoria Park. A highly prized pyro gig, every year we have had to prove both our artistic and health and safety credentials to win the tender for this work which is staged to an audience of over 80,000 people.

Liftoff fireworks - Tower Hamlets
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing

We we're delighted to have once again won the tender to create the firework display for Tower Hamlets at Victoria Park, our pyrotechnic team came up with a stella show to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon.
'A Giant Leap' took our audience of 80,000+ on a multi-sensory journey with a feature-rich display accompanied by an eclectic mix of music tracks, as well as original music, to convey changing tempo and energy.
The show featured another of our epic fire-drawings, designed by Peter Mountain, which have become a hugely popular part of our displays, as well as sound recordings from the Apollo 11 mission, along with some unexpected moments.
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing for London Borough of Tower Hamlets
"We're really excited to be back at Victoria Park to put on another display in response to this year's creative brief. This is a big show for a big audience so, once again, we've worked hard to create something epic, original and, hopefully, highly memorable."
Nathan Jackson, Producer

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